Health Check-up camp



9th September, 2023: The B.VOC MLT Poona College of Arts, Science and Commerce has organized free medical Health camp for the check-up of CBC ( Complete blood count) and eye screening specially for the girl,  in the B.VOC MLT Lab with the help of FY and SY MLT students along with faculty members Ms. Shaheen Shaikh and Ms. Farheenshama Shaikh.


The camp started at 9:30 am. We have divided the whole process in five steps including registration, blood sample collection, Eye screening, sample processing and Google form filling desk. Total 45 members including students and staff from BCA and BCS came for the Health Check up. Registration was done by the student of SY MLT Alfiya Shaikh. Siddhart, Samiya, Nasim aara and zara has taken the blood sample of students. Eye screening was done by Samiya, Blood sample processed by Salina. And last step was done by sumayya, all the SY MLT students has successfully contributed.


The inauguration of the Medical Laboratory (MLT) was graced by Principal Dr.  Aftab Anwar Shaikh, who not only provided valuable guidance to the students but also encouraged them to refine their blood collection techniques for improved results and successful careers, The program was efficiently coordinated by Ms. Farheenshama Shaikh and Ms. Shahin Shaikh, with special gratitude extended to Dr. Vinod Parde (Coordinator, BVOC MLT) and Mr. Farooque Shaikh (Nodal officer, BVOC) for their substantial support.

The program concluded successfully at 2:00 pm, during which our students efficiently harnessed the available resources and showcased their proficiency in operating the required equipment. In total, 45 students underwent CBC (haemoglobin) testing during this event.

Principal Dr. Aftab Anwar Shaikh guiding to the students




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